

صحيح ڪيريئر منتقل ڪريو - نوڪريون ڳوليو، موقعا، اسڪالرشپ ۽ وڌيڪ

Jaipur Art Week logo

Jaipur Art Week

Open call for artists and creatives

جے پور ، راجستان
وفاق: 05 جلباڻي 2024

For Edition 4.0 of the Jaipur Art Week, applications are open for artists who are inspired by, are based in or have connections to the Public Arts Trust of India’s home state, Rajasthan. There are no specific mediums or criteria, and applicants need not to have an art degree or any formal training to apply. Selected artists will be given the opportunity to showcase their work in a group exhibition or as solo interventions across Jaipur Art Week’s partner venues throughout Jaipur.

Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art logo

Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art

Open call for emerging artists

وفاق: 20 مئي 2024

هن Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art, in collaboration with the Mrinalini Mukherjee Foundation invites applications for the Emerging Artists Award (EAA+), a collective forum that will support 10 art practitioners through a financial grant, a mentorship programme and an exhibitory component. 

For this edition of EAA+, they are interested in practitioners who are keen to build and think collectively with modes of exchange and sharing, geared towards learning in the context of the present moment of contemporary art-making. Applications are invited from Indian artists under 35 years of age, who have completed their educational degrees. Artists currently pursuing an educational degree are not eligible to apply. Self-taught artists who are within the age limit, and have at least two years of sustained artistic practice are eligible to apply.

خوج اسٽوڊيو لوگو

خوج اسٽوڊيو

Curatorial Intensive South Asia 2024

دهلي، دهلي NCR
وفاق: 19 مئي 2024

Khoj Studios ۽ Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan are pleased to invite applications from early and mid-career curators from South Asia to apply for the 6th edition of the Curatorial Intensive South Asia (CISA) program – (re)imagined this year as a month-long, in-situ research residency at Khoj, New Delhi, India.

The CISA residency offers curators from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, Afghanistan & Iran, the opportunity to establish contacts and build networks with cultural practitioners, researchers, academics from India, South Asia and beyond.

The CISA program aims to develop diversity of perspectives on the medium of the exhibition to provide a structured and an experimental inquiry into the possibilities of curatorial practice today.

برطانوي ڪائونسل

برطانوي ڪائونسل

ثقافتي تنظيمن لاءِ کليل سڏ

وفاق: 30 اپريل 2024

برطانوي ڪائونسلجي بين الاقوامي تعاون گرانٽس برطانيه جي فنڪارن، آرٽ جي ماهرن ۽ تنظيمن ۽ دنيا جي انهن جي ساٿين جي وچ ۾ نئين ثقافتي تعاون جي تخليق جي حمايت ڪري ٿي. 

گرانٽس نئين ٻه طرفي ۽ گهڻ طرفي پارٽنرشپ جي حوصلا افزائي ڪن ٿيون، تنظيمن کي پنهنجي بين الاقوامي ساٿين سان تخليقي آرٽ ورڪ ٺاهڻ ۽ ترقي ڪرڻ لاءِ فنڊ مهيا ڪن ٿا، ۽ انفرادي فنڪارن کي تعاون جا نوان طريقا ڳولڻ ۾ مدد ڪن ٿا.  

دستياب گرانٽس جي وچ ۾ £25,000 ۽ £75,000 ۽ هاڻي اپليڪيشن لاء کليل آهن.

ايپليڪيشنن کي لازمي طور تي حقيقي بين الاقوامي تعاون جو مظاهرو ڪرڻ گهرجي ۽ شرڪت ڪندڙ برطانيه جي فنڪار ۽ تنظيمن ۽ انهن جي بين الاقوامي ڀائيوارن کي واضح فائدو پهچائڻ گهرجي. پروجيڪٽ ڪنهن به موضوع کي حل ڪري سگھن ٿا ۽ اسان درخواست ڏيندڙن کان پڇون ٿا ته انهن جي پروجيڪٽ جي ترسيل ۾ تنوع، شموليت ۽ ماحولياتي استحڪام جي حوالي سان پنهنجا طريقا شيئر ڪن. 

اسان کي آن لائن پڪڙيو

#FindYourFestival #Festivals From India

اسان جي نيوز ليٽر لاء سائن اپ ڪريو!

سڀ شيون حاصل ڪريو تہوار، سڌو پنھنجي انباڪس ڏانھن.

ڪسٽمائيز معلومات حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ مھرباني ڪري پنھنجون ترجيحون چونڊيو
هي ميدان جي تصديق جي مقصد لاء آهي ۽ اڻڄاتل رهجي وڃي.

تي حصيداري ڪريو